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“One Shining Moment” By David Barrett

“Win or lose
You always did your best
‘Cause inside you knew
That one shining moment, you reached deep inside”

This week continues in part 2 of our 10 week series looking at song lyrics, strategy, and leadership.

For those of you that closely follow NCAA Men’s basketball, you will recognize that this is the song that is synced with clips from the end of season tournament to celebrate the journey to the championship.  It follows the celebrations and heartache of the tournament and is always played immediately following the final game.

Those that know me well, will also know that I live by the motto, “prioritize progress over perfection.”  I think this song really highlights this and it goes a step further.  This line in this song is so important it is repeated 2 times. 

“Win or lose, you always did your best, ‘Cause inside you knew”… 

It isn’t just about the progress and it isn’t just about the end game.  Being a part of a business is about solving a problem for people/companies.  That is why you are in business.  To do this companies must chart new water.  This means when we set our ambitions we are not always going to hit them.  In fact, we will likely fall short more often that hitting the mark perfectly. 

However, when we look back on the journey to get to that milestone, we are usually further than when we started and there were many hands and minds that worked hard to get us there.  How are we celebrating that?  How are we giving these teams, ourselves, our people that “One Shining Moment” they need to understand their important contribution to progressing the company mission and strategy? 

Celebrating these moments builds trust, it acknowledges effort, and it helps us take a step back and learn from the result.  In the end, taking these moments will propel our business further by creating a cohesive, high-trust environment, with people that understand success includes wins and losses. 

One Shining Moment | 2000 March Madness

I have included the version of the song where Michigan State Men won the NCAA Basketball tournament.  This is also fitting because David Barrett was inspired to start writing this song in a Bar in East Lansing, Michigan.